(SiteMeter, StatCounter, Google Analytics)Once you have created a space for people to visit you online, you should be looking to embed a good stat counter so you can see, at the very least, how many people have been there. I use a few on this site. One that is very easy to use is
Site Meter. It offers basic and some in-depth analysis including, average per day, average visit length, visits today & this week as well as analysis of visitors by referral, by location, by entry pages and a few more.
A similar site to this is
StatCounter where you can also download a free and invisible stat counter which embeds into your webspace and provides you with detailed information about how people are using your site.
The one that has impressed me most is
Google Analytics, which is very easy to setup, especially if you already have a google account. Everything from user interface to site analsyis is far more superior and sophisticated to both of the others. Whichever one you choose, after the initial setup, will be collecting data about your traffic, and displaying the results on their website.