Monday, 26 March 2007

Iraqi Dinar...the web's worst, best kept secret

So there I was in the pub the other night when talk turned to the Iraqi Dinar. It seems investors are speculating that once the Dinar hits the open market, the value will increase to that of the US Dollar, and they will be millionaires. Buying this currency seems to be the worst, best kept secret on the web at the moment. So off I headed to eBay and got myself a few.
Next thing I hear is all the negative publicity, bad value for money prophecies and counterfeits stories. I'll post again when I get my hands on my purchase.

Friday, 9 March 2007

Web typical day

My first hit of the day comes about 8.30am when, using FireFox, I check my GMail, Hotmail, SquirrelMail and Google Calender to see what's new and in store for me for the day. Lamentably, this process is repeated several times an hour for the duration of the day.
Next to be updated is my page on Depending on what training I did the day before, this task could be skipped or else savoured as I input a run, jog or cycle and proceed to compare how Dok and the rest of the lads performed in the past few days.
This blog has been neglected but gets the odd update and i will always have a quick look at the page analysis.
Next stop, generally to while away a lunchtime, is,, and maybe check my balance or make a transaction on AIB Internet Banking.
At some stage during the day I will log into Google Reader, which uses web feeds to constantly check, retrieve and aggregate my favorite news sites and blogs for new content. To check for new podcasts I will log into iTunes.
Finally, on a Friday afternoon without fail, I give in to one of my strongest web addictions, the time-sapping Fantasy Premier League. This site will tide me over for most of the weekend as the results start coming in and league positions are fanatically monitored.