Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Securing a Belkin Wireless Network (belkin54g)

After preaching about security recently to a group of students, they pointed out that I still haven't secured the wireless network in my house. The irony of it all eh. I decided to see how many of my neighbours could connect to my network. Off I went out the front door with the laptop on a field trip. Turns out that only about five or six houses could sniff out the well as passing traffic. Is that bad???

Anyway, in case anybody else is wondering how to secure a Belkin Wireless G Plus Router. You type in the URL into your web browser. On the Wireless section on the left hand side, click on the Security button. There are a few security options here but the simplest is to select WPA and type in a password of your choice. After that, the router will reboot and from then on if any new user wishes to use your network, they will be prompted to enter the password.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I did as you said & as they say, a little knowledge is dangerous. I have now locked my laptop out of the home network & Belkin router to boot...
any suggestions?
I keep getting the message, reset the router & try again.... to no avail

Colin Cooney said...

Firstly, I assume you have re-booted both your wireless router and modem. When you view the available wireless networks in range, can you see yours? What happens when you try and connect yo your network, using the new password?

I hope you are back up and running already but let me know if not, and I will try and get a solution for you asap.

Airspan Networks said...

Nice post...I really get great information from your post. thanks for this.