Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Road to Triathlon - Back to my Blogging Roots

In the three odd years that this blog has lain dormant and the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter have eaten into my online time, there have been sporadic bouts of fitness, but with no real structure or consistency. I decided that it was long overdue to start putting in a little bit more effort to try and loose a few pounds/cholesterol points and maybe compete in a few events.
So in homage my last fitness post from 2008, here are a few stats for the month of April 2012:-
* Bike: 324 miles
* Run: 34 miles (approx)
* Swim: 1500 yards (abysmal!)
* Soccer: 3hrs

The goal for May is to improve on these...shouldn't be too hard for the swimming element.

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